Thursday, March 25, 2010

Health care for all is NO JOKE

For years, it has been a standing joke that I married my husband for his health care a waitress, I had none and disaster struck twice in 3 years and as a result, instead of continuing my education as planned, I ended up paying hospital bills for the next ten years. It's easy for people to criticize when they've never faced the choice of going to a doctor or paying the rent YET...

Monday, March 15, 2010

Blue sky and oranges

Who could ask for anything more...
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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

My cure for obesity

Restaurants should charge by the calorie with a premium for fat and carrot = 25 cents
big Mac =  $5.63
Denny's All American Slam =  $9.90
16 oz sirloin =  $12.00
Banana Split = 10.89

Monday, March 8, 2010

How cold was it?

Peter's been wearing socks all winter...
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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

success (of a sort)

My latest...acrylic on canson acrylic paper...I like this paper very much for printing and painting
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